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new coronavirus may affect shipping in India

Josie sofreight.com 2020-04-21 00:00:00

Sunny worldwide logistics members found the following news on Sina.com-new coronavirus may affect shipping in India


Credit rating agency ICRA said outbreaks of coronavirus (covid19) in China and Southeast Asia could have a negative impact on India's shipping and port industries.


China has been a major driver of the global tanker, dry bulk and container shipping industries. Tanker interest rates have witnessed a surge in CY2019 in the fourth quarter due to several factors, including the provision of corrections due to sanctions against a major Chinese company and Iranian ships, the prospects of the US-China trade agreement and high demand for giant tankers through trading companies to store VLSFO sharp demand The expected growth is due to the realization of the IMO in 2020.
On the other hand, dry bulk freight prices fell sharply in the first quarter of 2019, but improved in the second and third quarters. This was driven by China's trade with the United States, but in the fourth quarter of 2019, due to The interruption of Brazil's iron ore supply and the impact of Sino-U.S. Trade disputes led to a decline in dry bulk freight prices.


  由于全球需求的周期性放缓以及中美贸易问题的影响,集装箱船行业在2019年下半年也表现平平。虽然2020年CY2020的航运业运价的恢复/维持取决于全球贸易环境的改善,其中以美中贸易问题的一些协议和IMO 2020对油轮航运业的影响为主导,但病毒的爆发对上述所有航运业都产生了不利影响。


  在谈到对航运业的影响时,ICRA评级公司高级副总裁兼集团负责人K. Ravichandran先生说:“与2019年第四季度相比,油轮航运业有所放缓,波罗的海干散货指数和波罗的海好望角型船舶指数大幅下跌,好望角型船舶指数由于冠状病毒爆发对中国工业活动的影响首次转为负数。”




He added: "The impact also stems from the fact that ships are stranded in Chinese ports, they have been diverted to other locations, or are waiting at sea, unable to ship cargo to China." Overall, Covid-19 has a negative impact on the shipping industry, Any recovery will depend on the recovery of demand from China's industrial sector after Covid-19's reduction. "

In addition, as India and China have important trade links in the import and export of raw materials and manufactured goods, the closure of Chinese industries is not conducive to the movement of Indian imports and exports of goods. In addition, container shipments at Indian ports may be disrupted as the cancellation of flights affects container shipments.
Speaking of the impact on the port, K. Ravichandran said: "Many industries, such as chemicals, dyes and pigments, pharmaceuticals, textiles, electronics, automobiles, etc., may experience short-term supply disruptions due to Chinese shutdowns. In turn, economic activity has decreased It could lead to a slowdown in bulk consumption and indirectly affect bulk imports of coal, crude oil and other commodities. "
VicRavichandran added: "Ports affected by the affected cargo category may be affected in the short term. The extent of the impact will depend on the duration of Covid-19's restrictions on China's industrial activities and the speed of subsequent recovery."