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Pelabuhan British boleh menjadi huru-hara sebagai Brexit looms

Alvin HKSG-GROUP 2020-12-08 16:44:10

Tiada kewajipan jika barangan dieksport semula



3. Jika bahan mentah yang diimport diproses ke dalam barangan akhir, duti hanya akan dibayar ke atas barangan akhir


7. Naik taraf dan pengubahsuaian adalah kondusif kepada penambahbaikan kawasan berhampiran dengan freeport


Why Is Brexit causing mayhem at UK ports?


5. Penghantaran barangan ke pelabuhan percuma tidak memerlukan pengisytiharan kastam yang lengkap, yang menjimatkan masa untuk perniagaan dan memudahkan untuk mengimport barangan


1. Barangan yang memasuki pelabuhan percuma tidak tertakluk kepada duti kastam sehingga mereka meninggalkan dan memasuki pasaran UK


Second, brexit means that the UK will be subject to the EU24HR system of advanced shipping manifest, just like any other non-EU country.


Kedua, brexit bermakna bahawa UK akan tertakluk kepada sistem EU24HR penghantaran maju nyata, sama seperti negara bukan EU lain.


8. Persekitaran inovasi memudahkan percubaan teknologi baru


9. Membina perkongsian di kalangan pelabuhan, syarikat dan inovator.


Mengapa Brexit menyebabkan mayhem di pelabuhan UK?


1. Goods entering the free port are not subject to customs duties until they leave and enter the UK market

There is no duty if the goods are re-exported

3. If the imported raw materials are processed into the final goods, the duty will only be paid on the final goods

4. Free ports can be located inland or adjacent to ports.This would reduce the cost of moving or investing in existing manufacturing plants near the port

5. Shipping goods to a free port does not require a complete customs declaration, which saves time for businesses and makes it easier to import goods

6. Planning reform contributes to harbour development within the boundary and authorizes local governments to approve badly needed construction projects

7. The upgrade and renovation is conducive to the improvement of the area near the freeport

8. The innovation environment facilitates the trial of new technologies

9. Build partnerships among ports, companies and innovators.