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The blockage spread! The large port 80,000 containers backlog, the longest stranded a month, shipping companies jumped port

Kyrie Sunny 2021-10-18 20:44:10
According to the New York Times, the Port of Savannah, Georgia, the third largest container port in the United States, is currently experiencing a serious backlog of cargo, with nearly 80,000 containers backed up in the port, a backlog that is 50 percent greater than in the past, with about 700 of those containers stranded in the port by shippers for up to a month or more. Griff Lynch, executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority, said, "Our ports have never been more congested, the supply chain is overwhelmed and things are moving in an unnatural direction." With 4,500 containers stranded at the docks for at least three weeks last month, "it\'s ridiculous." While the Port of Savannah deals with the backlog, ships near that port have been waiting at sea for more than nine days. On a recent afternoon, more than 20 ships were stuck 17 miles off the Atlantic coast. The congestion is spreading, with more than 50 container ships stranded near the Port of Los Angeles last week and a number of ships waiting to berth near the port in New York. The congestion is spreading! The major port has a backlog of 80,000 containers, stranded for up to a month, with shipping companies jumping ship The Port of Savannah is running out of room to store containers amidst a major supply chain disruption. Supply chain congestion, once thought to be a temporary phenomenon that would eventually go away, is increasingly becoming a new reality that may require a major overhaul of the world\'s shipping infrastructure as major ports struggle with staggering piles of cargo. The Port of Savannah is the third largest container port in the U.S. after the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach and New York-New Jersey, with nine berths for container ships and an abundance of land for expansion. To ease congestion, Lynch is overseeing a $600 million expansion project: the Replacing one berth with a larger one to accommodate the largest size container ships; expanding the warehouse by another 80 acres to add space for 6,000 containers; and expanding the rail yard from five to 18 tracks to allow more trains to come in, creating an alternative to trucking. Congestion spreads! The major port had a backlog of 80,000 containers, stranded for up to a month, and shipping companies jumped ship But even though Lynch believes the expansion is imperative, he knows that simply expanding the facilities won\'t solve his problems, "Even if I have 50 berths, it won\'t work if there\'s no room for the facilities outside the port." No matter how he managed the Port of Savannah, he could not quell the chaos on the highways, in the warehouses, in other major ports around the world, and in factories around the globe. Affected by the New Crown pneumonia epidemic, soaring shipping rates and container shortages earlier this year, and a heavy reliance on Asian factories in the United States, global shipping was expected to return to normal as life restarted, but six months later, congestion has worsened. According to survey data from Sea Intelligence, a Danish shipping consultancy, nearly 13% of global cargo capacity has been limited by delays. Facing the upcoming Christmas season, Lynch expressed concern: "Everyone is asking \'will the goods reach the stores in time\', which is a very tricky question." Duffy and Hapag-Lloyd jump port Savannah According to the notice on Duffy\'s official website, the company said that its AMERIGO service (connecting West Mediterranean and US East Coast) will temporarily stop calling Savannah port and call Charleston instead due to the severe congestion (8-10 days) in Savannah port and to ensure the integrity of sailing schedule and weekly sailing frequency. Congestion spreads! The major port has a backlog of 80,000 containers and has been stranded for up to a month, with shipping companies skipping port Hapag-Lloyd said that in order to continuously optimize its service portfolio, stabilize sailing schedules and adapt to market demand, it will adjust its AL3 (Atlantic Loop 3) service by temporarily cancelling its call to the Port of Savannah in the United States and calling the Port of Jacksonville in Florida (Jacksonville) instead. Congestion is spreading! 80,000 containers are backed up in this major port, with the longest hold up to a month, and shipping companies jumping ship